A List of Claims for Improvement &c. Continued
No. 326
The United States DO
To Ezekiel Rustybelly of Hickory Log Dist
“ 1 Bay mare 70.00 | 70.00
“ 13 head of hogs $3.50 each | 45.50
“ “ “ cattle $20.00 each | 260.00
Total | 375.50
Claimant states that the first named item which is bay mare was stolen out of claimant’s field in 1828 by a man by the name of Gilmore a whiteman citizen of the United States claimant states that his cattle was taken by a white man and drove over the Chattahoochee by a white man by the name of Bum Garner claimant states to the last item whch is thirteen head of hogs was taken by a whiteman by the name of Baker
Personally came before me Ezekiel Rustybelly of the Cherokee Nation East and affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property stolen by citizens of the United States is just and true to the best of his knowledge and beliefs
Affirmed to before me this the 17 day of Sept. 1838
George Still Sr Agent for Collecting Claims
Ezekiel Rustybelly his X mark
Personally came before me William Proctor and Cash of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they are well acquainted with claimant’s property and they do no that the above described property was actually stolen from claimant as above stated is just and true to the best of their knowledge and beliefs
Affirmed to before me this 17 day of Sept 1838
George Still Sr
Agent for Collecting Claims
William Proctor his X mark
Cash his X mark
Not Available