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A List of Claims for Improvements &c Continued

No. 395

United States DO

To Noo-gun and Ben Vann of Hickory Log

For 1 dwelling house hewed logs nailed roof plank floor plank door plank loft 20 feet square

“ 1 shed room nailed roof plank floor 20 feet by 8

“ 1 house hewed logs puncheon floor door & shutter 18 feet square nailed roof board loft

“ 2 cribs nailed roof 15 feet square split logs

“ 2 stables round logs nailed roof 10 feet by 25

“ 3 field 57 acres river bottom good fence

“ 1000 new rails not put up

“ 1 garden patch nailed(?) with board 1 acre

“ 1 cow pen ½ acre good fence

“ 30 bearing peach trees

“ 2 apple trees bearing

“ 70 “ “ not bearing

“ 5 plum trees bearing

“ 2 hot houses cabin roof 10 feet by 7

“ 2 fish traps 30 feet by 7

Personally came before me Arch Vann and Tar-Lee-Skee of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for improvements is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief

Affirmed before me

Moses Daniel Agent for Collecting Claims

The 22nd of August 1838

Arch Vann his X mark

Tar-Lee-Skee his X mark

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