A List of Claims for Improvements
No. 398
The United States Do
To Bark Chicken of Hickory Log Dist.
“ 1 Dwelling house hewed inside cabin roof puncheon floor door and shutter wooden chimney house 12 feet square
1 field containing 7 acres up land good fence
“ 150 Rails not put up
600 boards one set of mill split house logs 12 feet square
4 acres of cleared not fenced
Personally came before me Jack Winn and Sparrow Hawk Sanders of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property is just and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed before me this the 20 of August 1838
Moses Daniels agent for collecting claims
Jack Winn his X mark
Sparrow Hawk Sanders his X mark
Not Available