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A List of Claims for Improvements &c Continued
No. 401
The United States Do
To Moses of Hickory Log Dist.

“ 20 Head of grown hogs $102.00
“ 1 Do of Sheep “ 3.00
“ Goods “ 25.00
“ Money “ 10.00
“ 1 Rifle gun “ 20.00
Total | $158.00

Personally came before me Moses the Claimant of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed the above is a just account of property against the United States which was stolen from him in said district by white men citizens of the United States names not known to claimant and states that the above described hogs was taken from him about 3 years ago and folled on in pursuit of his hogs but could not overtake the men that had them and states that what a man told him at the Chattahoochee River that a white man had crossed the hogs at his ferry and claimant did not go any farther for fear of the whites Claimant further states that he went about 2 years ago to a store and bought the above mentioned amounts of goods and also had his rifle gun and the above amount of money with his goods a short distance from the store house and left all of them together by the side of a tree and went back into the store house and stated that a white man went out of the house and gathered up his goods money and gun and ran off with them and states that he followed on after said white man and over took him with the goods and states that another was with him and they stopped and whipped(?) claimant and would not let claimant have his goods money or gun and told claimant to get away from them very fast or they would put it on him again and further states that a white man named James did mischievously kill his sheep about 2 years past and further states that he bought a fether bed from a white man for the sum of ten dollars and that said white man caused him to pay the sum of twenty dollars for the same or that he the said white man would put claimant in jail that the foregoing prices for his property is reasonable and just and true and that he has never received any value for the same
Moses his X mark

Personally came before me Thomas Blanket and Hawk of the Cherokee Nation East solemnly affirmed that they saw the foregoing mentioned hogs about 3 years ago in the possession of white men citizens of the United States names not known to witnesses and they further state that a white man citizen of the United States by the name of James did kill said sheep of Moses the claimant and witness further states that about two years ago claimant went to a store and bought the foregoing amount of recorded amount of goods and claimant took said goods and ten dollars and his gun laid them down a short distance from the store house and slipped back in to the house and while claimant was in the house he saw a white man take claimants goods and gun (the money was wrapped in the goods) and ran off with said goods money and gun claimant followed after the man and over took him the man gave claimant a good whipping and sent claimant back with him without his goods money or gun and further states that they saw claimant pay the sum of ten dollars to a white man citizen of the United States which we believe was unjust and untrue and thus we believe the foregoing stated prices for claimants property reasonable and true and that claimant has never mentioned any value for the same to our knowledge or beliefs

Affirmed before me this 18 day of September 1838
George Still senior assistant agent for collecting claims
Thomas Blanket his X mark
Hawk his X mark

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