A List of Claims for Improvements &c Continued
No. 426
The United States DO
To Ke-as-tu Downing of Hickory Log Dist
“ 1 good grey mare 7 years old | 80.00
“ 1 roan DO 6 | 60.00
“ 1 roan stud 4 | 50.00
“ 1 small bay horse 7 | 40.00
“ 1 large bay mare and 1 year old coult mare 7 years old | 80.00
“ 2 small stud 3 years old each | 180.00
“ 1 sorrel mare 8 years old | 60.00
“ 1 chestnut sorrel mare 3 years old | 40.00
“ 2 oxen 3 years old | 40.00
Total | 630.00
Before me this subscriber came in person Ke-as-tu Downing the claimant and made affirmation that about 14 years ago a white man citizen of the United States by the name of JesseeThoings(?) stoal the first two mares in the above account and took them to Ganesville Georgia and sold them and about 11 years ago one Charles Snell(?) a white man and a citizen of the United States did steal the roan stud small bay horse and mare and coalt and took them over in Hall County Georgia and then disposed of them to other persons and went over to Jackson County and was their apprehended for the same theft and by some means got out of jaul and ran away Alabama and about 9 years ago a white man citizen as above stated the two small studs and took them to Frog Town on Chestatee River and sold them to one Sam Bright and about 8 years ago one Bill Ratley citizen as above before stated the sorrel mare worth sixty dollars and took her to Jackson County and sold her and about the same time a man named Macclean a citizen as above stole the chestnit sorrel mare and took her also to Jackson County and sold her to the same man that bough the other and from thence the the one cleared out and about four years ago two white men citizens of the United States name not known stole the two oxen and carried them off a great distance since which the claimant has never received any pay for the said property or any compensation in any way what ever.
Affirmed to before me this the 5 day of October 1838
Moses Daniel
Agent for collecting claims
Ke-as-tu Downing his X mark
Jinnyy Downing Daniel Grasshooper and Fox Skin all of the Cherokee Nation East and makes affirmation that they are knowing to the aforesaid case and so far as the horses charged for in the said account can say truly that they was stolen from the claimant and as they have very just reasons to believe that was stolen by the aforesaid white men invariably seen to have the said horses respectfully in their possession as alluded in the statements of the claimant They confirm her statement and further say that the charges are reasonable Daniel Grasshooper says in reference to the oxen he saw them take the said oxen and was totally different whitemen that they also saw them taking them along
Affirmed to before me this the 5th day of Oct 1838
Moses Daniel Agent for collecting claims
Jinny Downing his X mark
Daniel Grasshooper his X mark
Fox Skin his X mark
Not Available