No. 42
The United States
To Sally Still of Hickory Log Dist.
For property stolen by whitemen citizens of the United States viz.
1 roan mare & colt 6 year old| 45.00
1 Black mare 5 year old “ | 60.00
1 Bay mare 8 year old | 130.00
4 large steers $20 each | 80.00
200 Dollars taken by a white man | 200.00
Personally came before me Sally Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a just account of property stolen from her by white men citizens of the United States The first described (as roan mare and colt) was stolen by a white man named Joseph Binion down on Standing Peachtree 12 years ago claimant saw her mare and colt in said Binion’s possession but he Binion refuses the said property to claimant
The next described (a Black mare) was stolen by a white man named Joseph Powers done on Standing Peachtree near Chattahoochee River about 14 years ago Claimant states she saw her mare in the possession of said Power but he Powers would not let claimant have said mare
The next as described was a (Bay Mare) stolen by a white man named George Golden done on Standing Peachtree near Chattahoochee River about 16 years ago claimant states she did not see her mare in the possession of Golden but has good reasons for believing said Golden stole her
The next described was 4 head Steers stolen by a white man named Adam File done on Chattahoochee River 12 year ago claimant states she saw her steers in said File’s possession refused to give the said steer to claimant
The next described was $200 dollars stolen by a white man named Burditt claimant states the said Burditt came to her house in the month of September 1836 and stated her son in law was in jail at Cassville, Georgia and that the said son in law Thomas Woodall wanted his wife who was the Daughter of Claimant to send him all the money she had she the wife of Woodall offered Burditt ten dollars in silver Burditt refused to accept it because it was too small an amount The Claimant then gave the said Burditt two hundred dollars in paper money and that so soon as he got the money he left her house and claimant has never seen Burditt since when the claimant saw her son in law the said Woodall she asked him if he had sent said Burditt he replied he had not that he had not seen Burditt since he saw her before. That the above is reasonable prices and that she has had no pay for any of said property
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still assistant agent for collecting claims
Sally Still her X mark
Personally came before me George Still and Ned Still of the Cherokee Nation East solemnly affirmed that they saw said Binion a white man have in his possession the above described roan mare & colt of the claimant and knew it to be the same alluded to above witnesses states that claimant was present when they saw the horses in Binion’s possession they further say the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for said mare & colt to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
George Still his X mark
Ned Still his X mark
Personally came before me Chewa and Nancy Woodall of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said Joseph Powers have in his possession the above described Black Mare of the claimant the same day she was taken and knew to the same alluded to above. They also saw the claimant in a short time after and told her and she replied that her mare had been stolen the night before and that she knew that the said Powers had stolen her They further say that the price is reasonable and that the claimant has had no pay for said mare to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
Chewa his X mark
Nancy Woodall his X mark
Personally came before me George Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that he went to South Carolina and saw the above described Bay mare in possession of a white man named Thornton who told him he had bought the said mare from a white man named George Golden a citizen of Georgia. Witness knew the mare to be claimants and the same alluded to above He further says the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for said mare to
the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
George Still his X mark
Personally came before me Jack Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that he was employed by the claimant to pursue her mare as described above (a Bay) the United States he enquired frequently of the mare and described her with a brand on her hip the letters S&G some white men told writers they saw a white man named George Golden branding a mare which suited that description with the letter S&G branded on her hip the witness pursued the said Golden for two hundred hundred miles and he heard of the same man and mare passing where he enquired witness finally took the wrong road and did not not pursue him any further He further says the price is reasonable and that the claimant has had no pay for said mare
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
Jack Still his X mark
Personally came before me George Still Nancy Woodall of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said Adam File have the above described 4 steers in his possession a short time after they was taken and know them to be the same alluded to above They also saw the claimant in a short time and told him and she replied that her steers had been stolen from her about 2 weeks before they saw them and that she believed that the said File had stolen them They further say the prices is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for the same to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
George Still his X mark
Nancy Woodall her X mark
Personally came before me Nancy Woodall and Betsy Woodall of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the claimant give the said Burditt two hundred dollars in Paper money. One of the witnesses Nancy Woodall states that the said Burditt a white man came to her and told her that her Husband Thomas Woodall was in jail in Cass County Georgia and had sent him to her and mother to send him all the money they had. She witness offered him Burditt ten dollars in silver Burditt refused to take it he said it was too little the claimant then handed him Burditt two hundred dollars in paper both witnesses say he then left the house and was gone .They further say Woodall returned in a short time after and said he had not seen him during his absence from home and that he had not met him in jail They further say that the amt is correct and that claimant and that claimant has not received the worth of one cent for said amount to the best of knowledge and belief.
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for collecting claims
Nancy Woodall her X mark
Betsy Woodall her X mark
Personally came before me Thomas Woodall a whiteman and the son in law of the claimant and solemnly affirmed that he did not send the said Burditt to his wife and mother in law(?) for any money He states he was absent from home and that he was in Harris County Georgia and that he was not in jail nor had not been in any jail During his absence from home and that he has not seen said Burditt from the time he left home
Affirmed to before me this 3 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. assistant for collecting claims
Thomas Woodward
Not Available