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No. 43

The United States
To Edward Still of Hickory Log District

For one Dwelling house hewed inside cabbin roof puncheon floor Door shutter and wooden chimney 18 feet square one house round logs cabbin roof Dirt floor & wooden chimney 14 feet square, one corn crib 15 feet by 8
1 stable round logs 12 feet square
14 acres of good creek land good fence
4 Bearing peach trees
This improvement was made on Peachtree creek on the [struck out: other] side of ChattahoocheRiver 16 years ago and was dispossessed by the Authorities of the state of Georgia in the year 1823

Personally came before me Tick-e-nee-skee and Jack Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for improvements are just and true to the best of their knowledge and ability

Affirmed to before me this 21 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. Assisting agent for collecting claims
Tick-e-ne-skee his X mark
Jack Still his X mark

And claimant states that at the time and place above mentioned that he sold to a white man citizen of the United States by the name of Files two (2) large steers for $20.00 Dollars Each making forty (40) Dollars and that said Files went off without paying claimant one cent for said steers.

Personally came before me Edward Still the claimant of the Cherokee Nation East and affirmed that the above account for 1 yoke of steers is just against the United States and that the above statement about said steers is correct and true and that he has never received any value for the same.

Affirmed to before me this 21 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. Assisting agent for collecting claims
Edward Still his X mark

Personally came before me Jack Still and Tickeneskee of Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that Edward Still did sell a certain yoke of steers to a white man citizen of the United States by the name of Files and said Still sold said steers to said Files in the year 1823 and said Files did leave without ever paying claimant for said Steers and that Files was to pay claimant the sum of forty dollars steers and claimant has never received any value for the same to our knowledge

Affirmed to before me this 21 day of September 1838
George Still Sr. Assisting agent for collecting claims
Jack Still his X mark
Tick-e-nes-key his X mark

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