Claim Number

Also Known As
Claim Date


White mne named Brooks, Daniel, Edwards


Transcription Document

No. 3

The United States Do

To Isaac Chu-ee of Hickory log dist

To 2 cows 3 years old 15.00 each | 30.00

“ 15 Bushels of potatoes 1.00 each | 15.00

“ 10 Do Corn 1.59 “ “ | 15.00

“ 1 plough 1.50 “ “ | 1.50

“ 1 Bay hore 2 years old estimated at | 25.00

“ 1 Bay mare 5 years old  “ “ | 50.00

“ Black mare 4 Do Do “ “ | 20.00

“ 1 Rifle Gun | 12.00

Total | 178.50

Personally came before me Isaac Chu-ee of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a just account of property against the United States which was taken from him by force about five years ago in said dist by whitemen citizens of the United States by the names of Brooks Daniel and Edward and that said whitemen took the above property from his possession without any just cause or provocation whatever and that the above is a reasonable price for said property and that he has never received any value for the same

Affirmed to before me this the 7th day of September 1838

George Still Sr assisting agent for collecting claims

Isaac Chu-ee his x mark

Personally came before me Ned Still and Four Killer of the Cherokee Nation East and affirmed that the above named property of Isaac Chu-ee was taken from his possession by the above named whitemen citizens of the United States and without any just cause or provocation whatever to their knowledge and states that this fraud was committed on the property of said Isaac about 5 years ago and further states that it was done in Cherokee county Georgia by said whitemen before named and further states that it was a common practice in that section of the county for the whites to take Indian property without cause and states that the foregoing stated prices for said property are reasonable and that claimant has never received any value for the same to our knowledge

Affirmed to before me this the 7th day of September 1838

George Still Sr assisting Agent for collecting claims

Ned Still his x mark

Thomas Four Killer his x mark

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