Claim Number

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Transcription Document

No. 11

The United States DO

To Dick Crittenden of Hickory Log

For damage for improvements by state(?) of(?) Georgia Guard in 1830 | $50 c(?)

For working tools and sundries | $100 c(?)

Personally came before me Dick Crittenden of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a true account of damage to property done(?) to him(?) members(?) of said(?) (illegible) (illegible) (illegible) Georgia Guard in the year 1830. The claimant states that he was digging gold in (illegible) (illegible) mountain(?) at the time that stated(?) (illegible) guard arrested him and imprisoned him for fifteen days and also took on(?) destroyed his working tools and sundry other articles of value. He further says that the amount of damage is reasonable and that he has not(?) been compensated for the same

Affirmed to before me this 29th day of Sept 1838

Moses Daniel Agent for Collecting Claims

Dick Crittenden his X mark

Personally came before me William Crittenden of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that claimant Dick Crittenden was taken and imprisoned for fifteen days and that the said same Guard took or(?) destroyed all the above mentioned working tools and articles of value which belonged to said claimant. He further says that the amount of damages is reasonable and that the claimant has not been compensated for the same to the best of his knowledge and belief

Affirmed to before me this 29th day of Sept 1838

Moses Daniel Agent for Collecting Claims

William Crittenden

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