A List of Claims for Improvements &c Contd
No. 779
The United States DO
To Charles Sun-e-goo-e of Hickory Log Dist
For 31 sows 4 years old $5.00 ea. | 155.00
“ 1 barrow hog 5 yeas old $12 | 12.00
“ 5 shoats 18 months old $3 ea. | 15.00
“ 70 shoats 1 years old $2 ea | 140.00
“ 4 cows & calves $15 ea | 60.00
“ 1 chisel 50c 1 drawing knife 1.00 | 1.50
“ 1 foot addz 2.00 5 weeding hoes $3.75 | 5.75
“ 2 plough & stocks $4.00 1 plough $1.50 | 5.50
“ 3 pc traces $3.00 3 pc. Hames $3.00 | 6.00
“ 1 clevice $1.00 1 single trace $1.00 | 2.00
“ 1 Bearshear plough $3 | 3.00
“ 19 bee gums $3 ea | 57.00
“ 1 rifle gun $12 | 12.00
“ Crops on hand $80 | 80.00
Total | 564.13
Personally came before me Charles Sun-e-goo-e of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for Property forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States the 23rd of May 1838 is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed before me 14th of Sept 1838
Geo. Still Sr Asst. Agt for Col. Claims
Charles Sun-e-goo-e his X mark
Personally came before me James and Ta-yar-sta of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed to before me the 18th day of September 1838
George Still Asst Agent for Col. Claims
James his X mark
Ta-yar-sta his X mark
Not Available