No. 806
The United States DO
To Ta-low-au-kila of Hickory Log Dist
For 1 house 15 feet square cabin roof puncheon floor
“ 1 House 15 by 15 feet square cabin roof puncheon floor
“ 1 corn crib 9 by 12 feet cabin roof
“ 1 Fodder house 12 by 12 feet square cabin roof
“ 100 bearing peach trees
“ 50 peach trees not bearing
“ 18 bearing apple trees
“ 50 apple trees not bearing
“ 54 plumb trees
“ 37 acres of cleared land under good fence
Personally came before me John Still and James Downing of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct statement of claims against the united States for improvements and is just and true to the best of their knowledge and beliefs
Affirmed to before me 17th day of September 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agent for Collecting Claims
John Still his X mark
James Downing his X mark
Not Available